How-To: Templating

Templating is useful for when you want have complex pages with variables and simple logic. By default Waffleweb uses Jinja2 for templating. You can change the template renderer. we will get into that later. In this How-To guide you will learn the basics of creating Jinja templates and how to render them with Waffleweb.

Rendering Templates

You can render templates with one of two ways: The renderTemplate() function or using the render() response. renderTemplate() renders the template and returns the rendered template whereas render() renders the template and returns an HTTPResponse.

By default Waffleweb looks in the “template” directory for templates but your can change it by creating a file called “” and add a variable called “TEMPLATE_DIR”.

TEMPLATE_DIR = 'static/html'


This finds a template and renders with the context.

renderTemplate takes two arguments:
  • filePath (str) - The path to the template.

  • context (dict) - These are the variables for the template.

from waffleweb.template import renderTemplate
from waffleweb.response import HTTPResponse

@app.route('/template', methods=['GET'])
def template(request):
    page = renderTemplate('page.html', {'var1': 'value'})
    return HTTPResponse(request, page)


This calls renderTemplate with the filePath and context and puts it in a HTTPResponse then returns the response.

render takes 6 arguments:
  • request (Request) - The request passed into the routed function.

  • filePath (str) - The path to the template.

  • context (dict) - These are the variables for the template.

  • The other arguments can be found in the page.

from waffleweb.response import render

@app.route('/template', methods=['GET'])
def template(request):
    return render(request, 'page.html', {'var1': 'value'})

Creating templates

This is the basics of how to create templates for Jinja2.

Variables In Templates

You can add variables to your template with the context argument of the template rendering function. To access your variables in your template all you need to do is surround them with two sets of curly brackets.

<h1>{{ var1 }}</h1>
<p>{{ var2 }}</p>

Logic In Templates

You can add simple logic to your template by surrounding the logic with a set of curly brackets and percentage signs. Logic in template is similar to python but it has it’s limitations. You can add if statements and for loops.

If Statment:

{% if var1 is 'on' %}
{% elif var1 is 'off' %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}

For Loop:

{% for var in dictVar %}
    <p>{{ var }}</p>
{% endfor %}

To learn more about creating template you can go the the Jinja Docs.

Functions in templates

Waffleweb has one built in template function: getRelativeUrl().

<h1>{{ getRelativeUrl('news:article', id=1234, name='Something happend!') }}</h1>

You can add your own custom template functions by adding a value named “TEMPLATE_RENDERER” to your apps settings.

yourApp.settings['TEMPLATE_FUNCTIONS'] = {'func1': func1, 'func2': func2}

This only work when using the default rendering functions.

Adding Your Own Template Renderer

Adding your own template renderer is easy. All you need to do is add a value named “TEMPLATE_RENDERER” to your apps settings.

yourApp.settings['TEMPLATE_RENDERER'] = yourRenderingFunction

Your template renderer must take a file path and the context (variables) for the template. It must return a string of the rendered template.

If you have a TEMPLATE_RENDER supplied it will be called by renderTemplate(). So out of the box it will automatically work with render().

Changing the Jinja Enviroment

You can change the enviroment that Jinja uses by add a item to your app settings dictionary called “JINJA_ENVIROMENT”. You can set the variable to a Enviroment object.

from jinja2 import Enviroment

JINJA_ENVIROMENT = Enviroment(...)