class waffleweb.response.HTTPResponseBase(contentType=None, charset=None, status=None, reason=None)

Content Type is defaulted to ‘text/html charset=charset’.

The Date header is automatically added.

The base for the responses.

  • contentType (optional) (str) - The content type of the response.

  • charset (optional) (str) - The charset to encode the response in, defaults to utf-8.

  • status (optional) (int) - The status code of the response, default is 200.

  • reason (optional) (str) - The reason phrase of the response.

Important attributes:
  • headers (MultiValueOneKeyDict) - A MultiValueOneKeyDict of all your headers.

  • statusCode (int) - The status code of the response.

  • charset (str) - The charset of the response.

property reasonPhrase()

The status reason phrase of the response, can be set but not deleted.

Returns: str

property charset()

The charset of the response, can be set but not deleted.

Returns: str

setCookie(name, value, path=None, maxAge=None, domain=None, secure=False, HTTPOnly=False, sameSite='Lax')

Sets a cookie to your response.

  • name (str) - The name of the cookie.

  • value (str) - The value of the cookie.

  • path (optional) (str) - The path of the cookie, defaults to the route of your app.

  • maxAge (optional) (str) - The maximum age of the cookie.

  • domain (optional) (str) - The domain of the cookie.

  • secure (optional) (bool) - If the cookie is secure.

  • HTTPOnly (optional) (bool) - If the cookie is HTTP Only.

  • sameSite (optional) (str) - If your cookie is first-party of same-site.

Returns: None


Deletes a cookie from your response.

  • name (str) - The name of your cookie.

Returns: None


Puts all the headers into a binary string.

Returns: bytes


This gets the fully binary string including headers and the content.

  • content (str) - The response content.

Returns: bytes


The converts the value to bytes, encoding is the response’s charset.

  • value (str) - The value to convert.

class waffleweb.response.HTTPResponse(request=None, content='', *args, **kwargs)

Inherits from HTTPResponseBase

A HTTP Response.

  • request (optional) (Request) - The request data for the cookies.

  • content (optional) (str) - The content of the response.

property content()

The content of the response, can be set but not deleted.

class waffleweb.response.JSONResponse(request=None, data={}, **kwargs)

Inherits from HTTPResponse

A Json response.

  • request (optional) (Request) - The request data for the cookies.

  • data (optional) (dict) - The data of the response.

property data()

The data of the response, can be set but not deleted.

class waffleweb.response.FileResponse(request=None, fileObj=None, mimeType=None, **kwargs)

Inherits from HTTPResponse

A file response.

  • request (optional) (Request) - The request data for the cookies.

  • fileObj (optional) (File object thing) - The file for the response.

  • mimeType (optional) (str) - The mime type of the response.

property fileObj()

The file of the response

class waffleweb.response.HTTPResponseRedirectBase(redirectTo, **kwargs)

Inherits from HTTPResponse

The base for redirects.

  • redirectTo (str) - The URL to redirect to.

class waffleweb.response.HTTPResponseRedirect()

Inherits from HTTPResponseRedirectBase

A redirect, status code is 302.

class waffleweb.response.HTTPResponsePermenentRedirect()

Inherits from HTTPResponseRedirectBase

A permanent redirect, status code is 301.

function waffleweb.response.render(request=None, filePath='', context={}, charset=None, status=None, reason=None)

Renders a template and returns a HTTPResponse. It uses Jinja2 by default.

  • request (optional) (Request) - The request data for the cookies.

  • filePath (optional) (str) - The file path to your template.

  • content (optional) (dict) - The variables for your template.

  • charset (optional) (str) - The charset to encode the response in, defaults to utf-8.

  • status (optional) (int) - The status code of the response, default is 200.

  • reason (optional) (str) - The reason phrase of the response.

Returns: HTTPResponse

function waffleweb.response.redirect(redirectTo, permanent=False)

A redirect.

  • redirectTo (str) - The URL to redirect to.

  • permanent (bool) - If the redirect is permanent.

Returns: HTTPResponseRedirect or HTTPResponsePermenentRedirect