How-To: Middleware

Middleware is code that modifies the request before going into your code, and the response after coming out of your route function. Waffleweb allows you to add middleware to your apps and project easily.

Adding Middleware

Project Wide Middleware

To add middleware to your entire project you can add the middleware argument to your WaffleProject. The middleware argument is a list of your middleware. All the middleware are strings with the module and middleware class. Example: ‘testModule.Middleware’ or ‘middleware.testModule.Middleware’.

from waffleweb import WaffleProject

apps = [
    #Your apps

middleware = [

proj = WaffleProject(apps=apps, middleware=middleware)

App Specific Middleware

Adding app-specific middleware is much the same as adding middleware to your project. All you need to do is add the middleware argument to your WaffleApp. The middleware is again a list formatted the same way as the project-wide middleware.

from waffleweb import WaffleApp

middleware = [

app = WaffleApp('app', middleware=middleware)

Creating Middleware

Creating middleware for Waffleweb is easy. The middleware is class with one or two methods named “after” and “before”. The “after” method should take a Request object and return a Request object. The “before” method should take a response and return a response.

class ExampleMiddleware:
    def before(request):
        request.COOKIES['cookie'] = 'value'
        return request

    def after(response):
        response.headers['header'] = 'value'
        return response

Please note that you don’t need both methods, you only need one of two methods.