
class waffleweb.middleware.MiddlewareHandler(middleware, apps=None)

A handler of middleware. Middleware gets ran on the request before your view receives it and on the response before it is sent.

  • middleware (list[str]) - A list of all your middleware. You need to format the middleware strings as so: ‘module.MiddlewareClass’.

  • apps (list) - If you want to add your own apps instead of using waffleweb.defaults.APPS.


Loads all the middleware into a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries include the module and the class of the middleware: {'module': middleware module, 'middleware': middlwareClass,}.

  • middleware (list[str]) - A list of all the middleware needed to be loaded. You need to format the middleware strings as so: ‘module.MiddlewareClass’.

Returns: list[dict]

runRequestMiddleware(request, app)

Runs all the middleware on the request and then returns the request. It calls the before(request) method on the middleware classes.

  • request (Request) - The request to run the middleware on.

  • app (WaffleApp) - The app of the route matching the URL (for app specific middleware).

Returns: Request

runResponseMiddleware(response, app)

Runs all the middleware on the response and then returns the response. It calls the after(response) method on the middleware classes.

  • request (HTTPResponse) - The response to run the middleware on.

  • app (WaffleApp) - The app of the route matching the URL (for app specific middleware).

Returns: HTTPResponse