class waffleweb.WafflewebProject(apps, middleware=[])

The WafflewebProject object is where you can access the wsgi app and a test server. It is also a central point for your project.

  • apps (list[str]) - A list of all your apps. All the apps are strings with the module and the WaffleApp name. Example: ‘testModule.yourApp’ or ‘apps.testModule.yourApp’.

  • middleware (optional) (list[str]) - A list of your middleware. All the middleware are strings with the module and middleware class. Example: ‘testModule.Middleware’ or ‘middleware.testModule.Middleware’.


Loads all the apps into a list of dictionaries. The dictionaries have the module of the app and the WaffleApp object: {'module': app module, 'app': WaffleApp}.

  • apps (list[str]) - A list of apps. All the apps are strings with the module and the WaffleApp name. Example: ‘testModule.yourApp’ or ‘apps.testModule.yourApp’.

Returns: list

run(host='', port=8000, debug=False)

Runs a test server. This shouldn’t be used in production as it does not have any security checks.

  • host (optional) (str) - The host of your website.

  • port (optional) (int) - The port of your website.

  • debug (optional) (bool) - If your server is in debug mode.

Returns: None

wsgiApplication(environ, startResponse)

A WSGI application. As outlined in PEP 3333.

  • environ (dict) - For your wsgi server gateway. As outlined in PEP 3333.

  • startResponse (func) - For your wsgi server gateway. As outlined in PEP 3333.

Returns: iter()